
Current Patient Center


My, oh My, it’s Seattle in JULY!!!

Hello, hello, hello!!!  Sending you and your family a warm and happy hello from us to you.  We hope you are thoroughly enjoying the start of your Summer.  What a wild and wet Spring we had!  From lots of rain to crazy windstorms and power outages…it has been an intense few months.

What do you say when your friend says it’s June 31st?...                                                                              July-d!!!


We have been moving right along at the office.  The sunshine and warmer days are such a welcome change.  The extra wet Spring definitely extended our allergy season!  If you have been struggling with ongoing allergies, please consider a cleanse during the next few months.  With all the yummy fresh produce available, it’s a great time to reset your system, support your liver and immune system and detoxify.  It can be so helpful with your energy level, sleep, digestive system and immune system.  If you have thought about doing a cleanse, or would like help with your immune system, please let us know.  Summer is a great time to do a cleanse when there is time to replenish your immune system. If you have been struggling with colds, congestion or just not feeling your best, let’s take the time and appropriate steps before the rain returns.


Why wasn’t the butterfly invited to the prom?...                                                  Because it was a moth ball!!!


To our graduates and their families:  CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  We are so enjoying hearing all about the celebrations and fun getaways you are all doing.  Taking the time to celebrate and acknowledge achievements is so very important.  Get together with friends, family and loved ones to enjoy all your efforts and hard work.  We look forward to hearing all that comes next! 


Yesterday I was chased by six dwarves…                                                                                              NOT HAPPY!!!


July marks our mid-way point of the year!  How are you doing with your plans to take care of yourself, get moving more, learn something new, have more fun and new experiences?  Let’s check in on what we want more of for the rest of 2024.  July is known as the month of fun!  Let’s plan for more of that!  Try something new, do something you have never done before, follow your imagination and curiosity and see where it takes you.  Consider yourself a tourist in your own town and see what is happening around you and what you haven’t tried yet.  Shannon, Justin and Dr. Ellison are going to try a night of painting in the dark with fluorescent paint!!!  In August we are going to take a trip to Friday Harbor to do a Bioluminescent Kayak tour!  We will let you know how it goes! 


My friend Jack can talk to vegetables!...                                                                         Jack and the beans talk!!!


Looking for a way to help our environment?  Consider taking part in plastic free July!  Be part of the plastic pollution solution and help reduce plastic waste.  Take an inventory of how much and how often you use plastic.  Can you use a metal water bottle, reusable grocery bags or produce bags?  Anything we can do to decrease the use and disposal of plastic helps our planet.  Did you know that approximately 8 million tons of plastic waste enter the oceans every year?  Let’s do our part and reduce plastic and single use plastic materials, as much as we can.


A termite walks into a bar…                                                                                        He asks, “Is the bartender???”

July is National Watermelon Month!!!  Watermelon is 92% water and 8% sugar, hence the name watermelon.  It’s a great way to stay hydrated in the warm and sunny summer months.  Watermelon is also a great source of lycopene.  In fact, it has more lycopene than any other fruit or vegetable.  Lycopene is a nutrient that is good for bone health, is a potent antioxidant and my help protect against heart disease as well as high blood sugar.  Snack on watermelon, add it to your salads or for grilling.  Looking for ideas on how to use more watermelon?  Check out for suggestions and recipes. 


What happens after you eat alphabet soup?...                                                 You have a vowel movement!!!


Remember that as the days get sunnier, please protect your skin and face.  Wearing light layers and a hat is so important at this time of year.  It is so easy to get sun burned.  The warmest part of our days is in the later afternoon and early evening.  Stay hydrated and protect your face and skin from too much sun. 


Why was the bug spraying air freshener?...                                                                         It was a deodor-ANT!!!


When choosing sunscreen, insect repellant and other products you apply to your skin, remember that any toxins in these products is absorbed through the skin and effects your health.  Please read labels so you can make the best choice.  If you can’t eat it, you probably shouldn’t rub it on your skin.  Choosing natural ingredients is a great option.  There are even home recipes to make your own! Check out for recipes for natural, homemade sunscreen and insect repellent.  


Puns make me numb…                                                                                Puns about math, make me number!!!


A great skin moisturizer is coconut oil.  In addition to hydrating the skin, it also has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.  Coconut oil is also great for skin irritation, burns, itchiness and inflammation.   It is useful for other household items like toothpaste, hair products and deodorant. It’s great for you to eat too!  Put it in smoothies, put it in your coffee or tea, bake with it, pan fry with it.  Coconut oil is a very healthy fat that helps with digestion, reduces blood sugars, increases healthy lipid levels that supports heart and vascular health.  Consider coconut oil as your ‘go to’ fat! 


What’s a forklift?...                                                                                                                                         Food, usually!!!


If we can provide more help or tips and recommendations to improve your health and wellbeing, please just let us know.  If we don’t know, we will help you find the person who does.  As always, we are offering the in-office wellness workshops for you and anyone else interested in learning more about posture, exercise, nutrition, sleep and emotional wellbeing.  If you haven’t been to one in a while, a refresher can be very helpful!  And, if it’s been a while since we did a nervous system scan, please schedule one at your convenience.  We are happy to help!


Looking for your coupons?  Please just ask and we will apply them.  $5 off applied to supplies or supplements $50 and more;  and $10 off applied to supplies or supplements of $100 or more.


From Dr. Ellison and Shannon,